Thursday 18 October 2012

Peace One Day Australia!

CISV Victoria took to the main square in Melbourne to celebrate Peace Day through the idea of One Day One Word from the IJB community. We had people of all ages helping recruit the people of Melbourne to share their idea of peace with us in one word. We had around 40 people write their words on our peace board and had some great discussions with people about why we were there.

Heath recruiting people 

What people wrote!

- Heath Puddefoot 
    Victoria, Australia

Thursday 4 October 2012

Peace one day in Vietnam

Last Sunday September 23rd, JBVN organized the event Peace one day for all CISV members. With the great spirit of CISV, the event was a general success as it had been anticipated.

Close to 70 people participated in a simulation game (creatively designed by JBVN core), which was divided into 3 main parts: Resource hunt, Peace hunt and Aftermath. In Resource hunt, participants were divided into groups of 10 and groups were to find resources for their “countries” from a total of 6 Chinese master stations located all over the park. In Peace hunt, groups were to negotiate and trade resources with one another. Wars were declared between the groups “countries” when an agreement could not be reached. After witnessing the consequences from multiple wars, we moved on to the last section Aftermath, in which we sat back to discuss the game together.

Through the game, JBVN would like to send out the message that “Peace is impossible to achieve if we are so blinded by individual profits that we forget about others”.

Some thoughts from JBVN core members: As this was the first time our new core has ever come together to organize a big event, we were both very excited and worried. Afterwards, we were really happy to see that the participants not only enjoyed the event very much, but they also gave us lots of support and encouragement. This made us determined to organized more cool and meaningful events for CISV Vietnam in the future.

Nguyen Hoang Dung - JBVN

Sunday 5 August 2012

Whip it!

Whip it group photo!

WHIP IT.What is WHIP IT? Well, WHIP IT isn’t a camp, it’s a workshop. I figured that out right as soon as I arrived at the campsite. So no flag ups or downs, no kitos, no lullabies, and more learning than the usual camp. WHIP IT is short for “Workshops Happening In the Philippines and Indonesia, Thanks!” And I find it really interesting how they made up those kinds of words because it isn’t the official meaning.

So this camp, or should I say, workshop, is five days and four nights long. The WHIP IT I went to is the third one and the theme was WHIP IT TREE. Since a tree has roots to start with, WHIP IT TREE is practically going back to the basics. I learned a lot about JB 101 on the first day. I realized that the actual purpose of CISV and the JBs is much greater than what I once thought. The workshop moved me. I was really inspired. I respect CISV much more now, not just as worldwide peace organization that holds international camps, but as an organization that “Educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world”. And yeah, they told me to memorize that line, and I did.

So we have more free time and freedom in this workshop since they consider us as more mature people. So we don’t have lights out, can stay up as late as we want, and they even let us bring cellphones as long as we’re responsible for it.  So every night we pretty much spent our time at someone’s room just talking, playing cards and mind games, truth or dare, or just random stuff. It was really fun, even the facilitators joined us one night. On the last night, me and one of my friends from the Philippines stayed up the whole night. It was awkward, knowing that we were literally surrounded by people that fell asleep by accident in the middle of the game, but we survived through the night.

All I can say is that WHIP IT is so different compared to usual camps. We have planning groups, learned about briefing and debriefing, learned about leadership, content areas, differences, much much more knowledge on CISV especially on JBs, and we bonded A LOT. We even learned about silly abbreviations like DR GA. And since my only program was Interchange, I didn’t really know what a camp felt like. This experience was really memorable. It’s really funny how the Pinoys were addicted to TehBotol, and how the Indonesians were addicted to Polvoron. God I miss those guys. Even writing this makes me kinda sad cause I can’t see them for at least eleven more months.

 I have to admit that I am not good at telling stories at all, but all I can say is I miss WHIP IT. It was really great. I miss how we bonded, I miss how we learned, I miss how went crazy at night, and I especially, miss the people, the activities, the killing game. I can’t even describe how sad I felt when it was over. Lots of people may not know this, but I almost cried when it came to goodbyes. It’s amazing how much I learned about CISV after the program, especially about JBs. It’s also really amazing how much we learned from other chapters on how they develop and make their JBs more active in CISV. Even now, my LJR’s have really big plans for our chapter. And I’m just really proud to be a part of it all.

- Vanessa Angelica

Monday 30 July 2012

IJBC 2012

Hey everybody!

IJBC is happening in Paris right now! To follow what's going on, look for the hashtag #IJBC12 on Twitter, or follow "News of the IJBC' on Facebook! They've got some awesome stuff there so go check it out.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Camp Kaleidoscope

Last summer, The Manila chapter had, a summer camp style beachcamp held in Morong, Bataan. In line with this years theme on sustainable development, we facilitators figured that the theme as a whole was such a broad topic to tackle in a few days. So we broke it down so that our 14-16 yo participants could closely relate to it. 

In CISV, sustainable development is social, economical and the most understood of all, environmental. We wanted to develop from that notion of sus dev being all about saving the environment into something that starts from a single person, an agent of change ! Before teens start to contribute to the preservation of our surroundings, they have to realize and learn about themselves. Sus Dev is something that involves the cooperation of a lot of people so we incorporated topics as basic as dealing with family and friends or people you don't like and building and sustaining relationship. These were the themes assigned to each planning group for their activities. 

Our goal for this minicamp was mainly for our participants to learn something new about themselves. We are confident to say that we achieved this goal while having the most fun with our 50 kids in doing so!

To share some of her experiences in camp, here's Bea Recto!

One thing I really appreciated about Kaleidoscope was the fact that we planned our own activities. At first, it seemed kinda stressful because we're all so used to just participating but it really gave us the chance to see the planning aspect of CISV. I like how it gave us the the opportunity to bond with our planning groups and discover more things about ourselves too. With all things to consider in planning the activities, it made my group really work together and it pushed me to be creative and original. It helped me realize the strengths I had as a planner and it contributed to the reason why this camp was so unique. 

An activity that really left an impact on me was the Mirror Game that the staff prepared. We were asked to close our eyes and sit in a circle. One by one, we'd open our eyes and a mirror would be placed before us. The staff would ask us questions about the person we saw in front of us. some of the questions were, "What would this person liked to be known for?" or "What are the things this person can improve on?", these simple questions made me think twice about myself. It made me question if I really knew myself or not. But I believe, the activity gave me a really good perspective on the things I can improve on. It gave me the chance to express how I really felt about myself. And I think that's what This camp was really for. This camp helped us realize that change must start with ourselves, because without which, sustainable development can never be achieved by me and you.

- Jaime and Bea Recto

Camp shirt!

Train of Love! WOOOOH! 
Kaleidoscope Staff!
[ Ria, Anton, Anika, Coby, Janine, Jaime, Chrissie]

Campers enjoying the beach!

Paper lanterns with each of their pledges! 

Camp photo at the beach! 
Photos from Ria Campos

Monday 16 July 2012

Friday 6 July 2012

ANZAC Biscuit Challenge!

The scene is set the plate of massive (not even Rowan could fit a whole one in his mouth) ANZAC Biscuits laid in wait of the Auckland JB ready to be devoured. Our first challenge was how to accommodate those with braces as my baking proved to hard to chew on. It was the Genius Georgia who decided that the best way to eat them was to soften them with milk, so in a bowl went chopped biscuits and milk and left to soften.
Now it was bushiness time. It was time for Auckland JB to show the world how AMAZING we all are but proving how delicious,interesting,entertaining a simple thing like a Biscuit can be. And I can assure you we succeeded.
The Great ANZAC Battle has been a good experience and the next opportunity to do something like this again will be happily taken on by Auckland JB. 

Devon Pidgeon
New Zealand 

Hey guys! Check out this video sent to us from our NZJB friends!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

JB RACE 2012

Last May 26, 2012, the 7thannual CISV JB Race was held in Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center. Eight teams dressed in their carefully chosen team colors gathered around in the park’s Fishing Village as early as 9 a.m. to get ready for the race, though the race proper did not start until around 10:50 a.m.
While the teams did their morning exercises, filled up on food, and charged up with a few energizers, the Station Masters were busy fixing their stations and reviewing its mechanics. There were ten stations in all, and each station revolved around the theme of sustainable development, the chosen subject matter of the year. The activities of the stations ranged from trivia, puzzle, and logic games, to water transfer relays and giant, life-sized chessboards. 

When the Station Masters finished all their preparations and the teams were all pumped up and ready to go, the long awaited “go signal” was finally alarmed and each team rushed out of the race headquarters to get to their first station which was encircled on a map they were given. Just like the past JB Races, after a team completed a station, they would have their race “passport” signed by the Station Masters who could allot a maximum of 20 points. However, some stations gave extra points to teams who could tell a good joke or do a dare, which can be a huge bonus becausein the JB Race, it’s the score that matters, not the speed.

After three hours under the sun, the race finally ended at 1:40 p.m. Everyone then met up at the race headquarters for a hearty lunch, refreshments, and a cheerful chat. The Tuck Shop was open, as always, to sell a few unique CISV merchandise.

Then awarding time came andeach team sat together and crossed their fingers, hoping for the best results. But only one team could be named the JB Race 2012 winner, and that team was none other than Team Jose Andres Lopa.The JB Race wrapped up at 3 p.m. with nothing less than the CISV anthem and a multitude of good memories.

- Beatrice Tinio Ladaw             

Issel Jayme, Tessa Santos, Rafa Partose, Nacho Villanueva
The JB Race planners! 
First Team to finish!
Louie Jacob,  Shantel Gruenberg, Sarina Sulit, JA Lopa, Isabel Puno

Group Picture!!
Photos taken by Issel Jayme

Pato's Last High School Summer

Ilocos Norte



- Pato Casabuena

We Challenge YOU! TEA and ANZAC!

- Philippines and Indonesia

JB Race!

Every year the Quezon City JB's put together a race!
Here's a video that can tell you all about it!

- Paeng Paner

Wednesday 30 May 2012


Lyrics to an Original Composition!
by Isabel Villar
Manila, Philippines

You and me will never have chemistry, maybe just a tragedy, knowing this is killing me.
I, don't know what to say, cause you're to far away
But i want you to stay, cause the pain won't go away.

Cause we're just people in a storybook you took what you wanted.
Now i'm stranded on page 10..when will i reach the end?
all i want is a hand to hold someone to love, no it's never enough.
You're too far away, i'd get on a jetplane to fly to your page

The author, wrote another story when you left the book.
Yeah, i've reached the end but i've lost a friend.
You're not in...any of the pages, all i see are faces, unfamiliar.


Where are you?! I'm here all alone... with no hand to hold..
I've read the end.. It said...
There's a next chapter, and that's where i'll find my happily ever after.

My first CISV camp

It all started during the last few weeks of school. I was online in facebook when suddenly a friend of mine messaged me and said that I should join this camp called Camp Fiesta. As I  was opening the Infopack i suddenly felt the need to go to the camp. Haha! I know it sounds desperate but hey, kids just wanna have fun! Anyways, I ran to my parents, and asked them if I could go. At first they thought it was a bad idea because they thought I wouldn't be able to take care of myself which was kind of true. Hehe! But eventually after days of nagging and convincing, they finally said yes. The day after, that I got an email from one of the facilitators that there were no more slots for kids. I was sad of course cause I really wanted to go.

A few days passed and I totally forgot about it, then suddenly my phone rang and I got an email. My face brightened up as I read the message saying that there was room for a few more kids! I was the happiest person in the world. I was jumping up and down my bed, and yes, I fell off. So school was over and I began crossing out the days left before Camp fiesta. After days and days of waiting it finally came! I was all packed up and ready to go.  When I to the waiting station I noticed all the other bags were small compared to mine. Then I felt embarrassed cause it looked like I packed clothes good enough for me to move out! So them I said my goodbyes to my mother and I boarded the bus. At first I sat alone because I didn't know anyone there. Minutes passed then suddenly the girls beside me start telling their friend to accompany me. I must thank them for that because if it weren't for them I would have died of boredom on the bus. We shared jokes and smiles and random stories to keep us busy. We finally arrive at this beautiful resort and I was so excited, it's like I wanted to run around and do cartwheels even if I had no idea how to. We had a lot of activities on the first day and I was able to meet a lot of new friends and believe me it was hard trying to memorize their names. As recall there were four of us girls with almost the same name but eventually I was able to remember all.

 I loved all the activities but the one I loved most was Dead bodies. It was probably the funniest of them all.  My favorite part of the day would probably be the Lullabies because hearing the sound of everyone's voices singing in harmony gave me butterflies. Hehe! On the third day, we had a fiesta! It was a blast! It was probably the most fun i've had in a long time. Of all the days, this was my favorite because it made me realize something. After I singing for the talent show, I was given many compliments for my voice. But in the past, I was told differently. That's why I'd like to thank my camp mates and facilitators because they taught me to reach for my dream and never give up until I've finally got a hold of it. Because of them I continued something I thought I'd never be able to do. Because of them I believed in myself. That someone like me can be Someone and do Something. Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

On the last day, it was quite sad because we knew we had to part ways and go back to our daily lives. I'll admit I even cried. Not because I was sad, but because I was happy  and thankful it happened. It was a pleasure being a part of Camp Fiesta. I was able to meet new friends and it changed my way of thinking and it changed me as a person. It changed me for the better. Camp Fiesta truly was the best four days of my life. Believe me when I say I'd give anything to have it back, for words cannot describe the joy this camp has given me.  

- Isabel Villar
Manila, Philippines 

Not-so-mini camp

When my sister first asked me if I wanted to try a CISV minicamp ( Camp Kaleidoscope) , I said “sure, why not.” Little did I know that I was part of an amazing experience that I would never forget.

The fun immediately started in the bus on the way to the camp venue. There were many activities in store for us, campers, in the beach resort where it was held. All the games and activities were fun filled, plus I learned a lesson after. I really enjoyed the energizers. But asides from all the planned activities the parts I enjoyed the most were the free times where I met new people and just hung out with them, played cards and swam in the beach. The late night talks with my roommates were also unforgettable memories. CISV really opened my eyes to new ideas and game new insights on different people. This camp also gave me a whole new bunch of friends that I will never forget.

I really hope that more people have a chance to get to join this camp cause it will surely make them grow and be more open.

-   Paulo Deluria
Manila, Philippines

Auckland second minicamp

JB Auckland just had its second mini camp for the year. We had lots of new younger members join the junior branch, they fit in seamlessly and had a great time. This minicamp was all about Sustainable Development. Our activities a great forum for the junior branch to learn about and discuss Sustainable Development. Overall the minicamp was a great success and a great time was had by all.

- Rowan Presland
Auckland, Australia

Camp Fiesta!

Camp Fiesta was held in the beach from April 28- May 1. It was for 11-13 year old kids and the theme was THE PHILIPPINES!! This was because we wanted to educate our youths about the Filipino culture. The camp was filled with filipino games like "Agawan Buko" which means "Fight for the Coconut". This was a very very physical game because the kids would ram into each other and try to score by inserting the buko into the center of a wheel. Although no matter how rough it got it was still a game we all loved to play! On the last night we had a "Fiesta" which means "Feast or Festival" We all ate with our hands on a banana leaf and stuffed our bellies to the max.Then we played filipino party games and had a talent show to end the night.

Although the camp was only three days the kids all started to cry when it was time to say good bye which was a sign that as staffers we did good! :)

The opposing teams disturb each other during the blanket game

The last lullabies session of camp, on the shore

- Patrick Casabuena & Enia Mapa
Manila, Philippines

Monday 28 May 2012

CISV Vietnam's Game day

Updates from Vietnam! 

On Sunday, 13th May 2012, JBVN successfully organised an event called ‘Game Day’, a day for all Vietnamese JBers and leaders to enjoy truly unique and fascinating games that they had experienced when they were kids. It was also for the newbies to get the best chance getting to learn about CISV and JB.

At first, we had Name games followed by a few cooperation games. After lunch came the best part of the day: we absolutely blew them off with various exciting games such as Mini Banana, Blinking game, Honey I love you and even Card game.

In addition, we had a CISV 101 section in the late afternoon, which targeted the newbies and their parents. Besides the familiar presentation of our NJR and Mr. Huynh Mui, the CISV Vietnam President, we also set booths for international delegations around the hall, in which they displayed what they had exchanged during the camp and shared their experiences as well.

Seeing the smiles on our JBers' faces, we believed that ‘Game Day’ had left them with many memories and unforgettable moments.

The dragon’s tail game

Pham Hoang Minh & Le Khanh Chi

APJB Challenges, EJB Answers!

EJB has responded to our challenge! Now let's wait for ARM :)

Sunday 27 May 2012

Camp S.O.S

Updates from JB Bacolod, Philippines!

(Sam Banas, Joash Agustin, Axa Yao ,Danielle De Asis Millanes , and Cocoy Feliciano.)
Well we've just finished our first 'JB-ran' Mini-camp! Well there was one adult.. But ONLY ONE! The camp was tiring, it was filled with sleepless nights, hard-work and lots of mosquito bites. But thankfully we survived! Though merv had to be rushed to the hospital due to dengue scare.

Our theme was S.O.S. and we had medical training here in camp. So if you have an emergency.... Don't call us, Call 161. we'd probably screw things up, the heart-saver licenses are just for show.

- Sam Banas 
Bacolod, Philippines

Sustainable Development: A Cultural Perspective

Sustainable Development by definition means:  “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future generation”.[1] But each country and culture can derive a sub- meaning according to their point of view.

Is Sustainable development just being aware about our surroundings? Does it include helping the poor in our country? Is it saving economic or environmental resources?  These are the numerous questions that bombard everyone’s head when you talk or think about sustainable development.

In our houses if we do not clean the house daily, the house will become a mess and as a result health and hygiene may suffer. To sustain our houses, we need to keep it clean just as our atmosphere which needs to be clean and carbon free, this would help reduce the scenario for global warming and other natural disasters. The same concept is also helpful in relationships, we cannot take anyone for granted otherwise that relationship will not sustain. We have to nurture it and allow it to grow and to blossom just as we have start nurturing Mother Nature before it starts withering away.

In India Sustainable Development is a very important issue that is being spoken and written about, with the rapid development and globalization taking place in the cities and big towns, the villages are being left behind and find it difficult to cope up with the fast growing pace of development. In villages with the old customs, rituals and ideologies it is difficult to persuade the villagers to leave their old notions about modernization and hence to convince them to imbibe new ideas and come to par with the ongoing development of the country and to take it in their stride and improve their life style for the betterment of the economy and country. Due to large disparity it is very difficult in India to spread the word about Sustainable Development; this is also due to the lack of education in the rural areas.  India has made and is making a lot attempts to become sustainable in its own ways, by launching different schemes that would cut down on using certain resources. Solar and wind energy is being developed in India in the rural areas as well as the urban areas so that we can cut down on the use of thermal and other non-renewable energy resources. 

Therefore, we see that in India there is a progress taking place to improve the lives of the people, as well as make this development sustainable and beneficial to the future generation.  In my view sustainability and consistency go hand in hand; growth, development, relationships, atmosphere; we need to work for it. We need to keep on preserving. Only then we can maintain the balance and harmony of life and the world.

Hindu translation :

"विकास है कि भावी पीढ़ी की जरूरतों को समझौता किए बिना वर्तमान की आवश्यकताओं को पूरा: परिभाषा द्वारा सतत विकास का मतलब है. लेकिन हर देश और संस्कृति के अपने दृष्टिकोण के अनुसार एक अर्थ उप प्राप्त कर सकते हैं.

सतत विकास है बस जा रहा है अपने आसपास के बारे में पता है? क्या यह हमारे देश में गरीबों की मदद करने में शामिल हैं? क्या यह आर्थिक या पर्यावरण संसाधनों को बचाने? ये कई सवाल हैं कि बौछार हर किसी के सिर जब आप बात करते हैं या लगता है कि सतत विकास के बारे में.

अगर हम घर दैनिक साफ नहीं है कि हमारे घरों में, घर में एक गड़बड़ हो जाते हैं और एक परिणाम के स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता के रूप में भुगतना सकता है. हमारे घरों को बनाए रखने के लिए, हम रखने के लिए यह बस के रूप में हमारे वातावरण की जरूरत है जो साफ और कार्बन मुक्त साफ करने की जरूरत है, यह ग्लोबल वार्मिंग और अन्य प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के लिए परिदृश्य को कम करने में मदद मिलेगी. उसी अवधारणा को भी उपयोगी है रिश्तों हम किसी को नहीं लेने के लिए अन्यथा दी है कि रिश्ते को बनाए नहीं रख सकते हैं, हम इसे पोषण करते हैं और यह और खिलना करने के लिए विकसित करने के लिए बस के रूप में हम माँ प्रकृति के पोषण शुरू होने से पहले यह कुम्हलाते शुरू होता है की अनुमति है.

भारत में सतत विकास के साथ तेजी से विकास और शहरों और बड़े शहरों में जगह लेने के भूमंडलीकरण एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दा है कि बात की जा रही है और के बारे में लिखा है, गांवों के पीछे छोड़ दिया जाता है और यह तेजी से बढ़ गति के साथ निपटने के लिए मुश्किल लगता है विकास के. पुराने सीमा शुल्क, रस्में और विचारधाराओं के साथ गांवों में यह मुश्किल है के लिए ग्रामीणों को मनाने के लिए आधुनिकीकरण के बारे में अपने पुराने विचार को छोड़ और इसलिए उन्हें मनाने के लिए नए विचारों को आत्मसात करने और देश के चल रहे विकास के साथ बराबर करने के लिए आते हैं और यह अपने में ले प्रगति और उनकी अर्थव्यवस्था और देश की बेहतरी के लिए जीवन शैली में सुधार. बड़ी असमानता के कारण भारत में बहुत मुश्किल है के लिए सतत विकास के बारे में इस शब्द का प्रसार, यह भी ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में शिक्षा की कमी के कारण है. भारत बना है और एक बहुत कुछ करने के लिए अपने स्वयं के तरीके में स्थायी विभिन्न योजनाओं है कि नीचे कुछ संसाधनों का उपयोग कर में कटौती शुरू करने से, हो प्रयास. सौर और पवन ऊर्जा के रूप में अच्छी तरह से ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में शहरी क्षेत्रों में भारत में विकसित किया जा रहा है इतना है कि हम नीचे थर्मल और अन्य गैर नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा संसाधनों के उपयोग में कटौती कर सकते हैं.

इसलिए, हम देखते हैं कि भारत में प्रगति जगह लेने के लोगों के जीवन में सुधार लाने के लिए, के रूप में के रूप में अच्छी तरह से इस विकास टिकाऊ और भावी पीढ़ी के लिए फायदेमंद है. मेरे विचार में स्थिरता और निरंतरता में हाथ में हाथ जाना, विकास, विकास, संबंधों वातावरण,, हम इसके लिए काम करने की जरूरत है. हम संरक्षण पर रखने की जरूरत है. केवल तभी हम जीवन और दुनिया की शेष सद्भाव बनाए रख सकते हैं.

- Dhvani Kothari
NJR - India