Friday 6 July 2012

ANZAC Biscuit Challenge!

The scene is set the plate of massive (not even Rowan could fit a whole one in his mouth) ANZAC Biscuits laid in wait of the Auckland JB ready to be devoured. Our first challenge was how to accommodate those with braces as my baking proved to hard to chew on. It was the Genius Georgia who decided that the best way to eat them was to soften them with milk, so in a bowl went chopped biscuits and milk and left to soften.
Now it was bushiness time. It was time for Auckland JB to show the world how AMAZING we all are but proving how delicious,interesting,entertaining a simple thing like a Biscuit can be. And I can assure you we succeeded.
The Great ANZAC Battle has been a good experience and the next opportunity to do something like this again will be happily taken on by Auckland JB. 

Devon Pidgeon
New Zealand 

Hey guys! Check out this video sent to us from our NZJB friends!

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