Tuesday 3 April 2012

Greeting from Jasparc 2012

Hello world!
This is the final zoom-out of Jasparc 2012.

Day 1 – 30/3/2012:

We made new friends and had a fun time catching up with our CISV buddies. The chit-chat session on the bus made the long journey seem sooo short. Of course there were sleeping beauties on our bus too.

After the Philippines’ traditional games came the opening ceremony and the welcoming party, with an amazing Rockeoke session put up by everyone. The night closed with a great dance party.

Day 2 – 31/3/2012:

The day started out with a short quiz about CISV, APJB and IJB and a talk about the different characters that are required in a leader. There was a sharing session of the JBs from different countries: we talked about the annual happenings of our JBs, as well as the difficult issues encountered by each of the JBs. By the end of this session, all JBs had their own goals set for the year ahead.

Setting the goals for IJB was one of the most memorable activities at Jasparc. We started by jotting down all our thoughts about JB, then we compiled them into categories and summarized each category with one sentence. Several merging and separating, and voila`, we’ve come up with new goals for our International Junior Branch!

The day ended with the celebration of Earth hour during our common session.

Day 3 – 1/4/2012 April Fool’s day:

Recruitment session: “The cup with holes” was a symbol of JBs unable to retain their members. In this session we discussed ways to retain our current members. We made incredible presentations on how to get other people of different age groups to join CISV.

EXCURSION!!! Our destination is a museum near our campsite. Then LET’S GO TO THE MALLL!” 

Day 4 - 2/4/2012:

JB had joined sessions with Mosaic and Chapter development, in which we worked on how JB Mosaic and Chapter development can help one another. We also had a pair of parallel sessions, one on how to plan activity, and one on how to plan and conduct a neighborhood workshop.

Election for APJB team was the most unforgettable event of the whole Jasparc. 5 candidates who accepted nomination were Dhvani, Sam, Elle, Mint and Sofia. They first answered 3 questions (first one was “Who was the tallest person in Jasparc?” =D ), and then moved on to a second round of questions and open forum after dinner.

Congratulations to Sam and Sofia, our two new APJB team members!!!

Despite being a long and tedious process, the election was indeed successful; it proved that we are not immature and not only about fun as often perceived by others. A quote from Kendra after the election: “I never see JB this serious before. This election has changed my whole perception of JB!”

Day 5 – 3/4/2012 - The last day:

We had a talk on how to start a movement while learning more about sustainable development and ways to achieve it. All JBs then thought of specific ways and concrete action plans to follow up their pledges made during Earth hour session.

During the evaluation of Jasparc, all of us wrote down our opinions on the 12 issues came up during Jasparc 2012, which were compiled by our APJB team. This was definitely a good way for everyone to contribute their point of views, especially for those people who were too shy to speak up. We then spent our entire afternoon working on the issues raised. Eventually we’ve come up with official goals for IJB to send to EJB, new procedure for next year’s nomination and election process, and concrete plans for communication within our APJB.

Jasparc 2012 was concluded with cultural night which featured many unique performances from all 9 different countries.

Thank you Diego and Merv for taking these fantastic pictures!
We love the wonderful time we had at Jasparc 2012. We love APJB!

- Lam

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