Monday 30 July 2012

IJBC 2012

Hey everybody!

IJBC is happening in Paris right now! To follow what's going on, look for the hashtag #IJBC12 on Twitter, or follow "News of the IJBC' on Facebook! They've got some awesome stuff there so go check it out.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Camp Kaleidoscope

Last summer, The Manila chapter had, a summer camp style beachcamp held in Morong, Bataan. In line with this years theme on sustainable development, we facilitators figured that the theme as a whole was such a broad topic to tackle in a few days. So we broke it down so that our 14-16 yo participants could closely relate to it. 

In CISV, sustainable development is social, economical and the most understood of all, environmental. We wanted to develop from that notion of sus dev being all about saving the environment into something that starts from a single person, an agent of change ! Before teens start to contribute to the preservation of our surroundings, they have to realize and learn about themselves. Sus Dev is something that involves the cooperation of a lot of people so we incorporated topics as basic as dealing with family and friends or people you don't like and building and sustaining relationship. These were the themes assigned to each planning group for their activities. 

Our goal for this minicamp was mainly for our participants to learn something new about themselves. We are confident to say that we achieved this goal while having the most fun with our 50 kids in doing so!

To share some of her experiences in camp, here's Bea Recto!

One thing I really appreciated about Kaleidoscope was the fact that we planned our own activities. At first, it seemed kinda stressful because we're all so used to just participating but it really gave us the chance to see the planning aspect of CISV. I like how it gave us the the opportunity to bond with our planning groups and discover more things about ourselves too. With all things to consider in planning the activities, it made my group really work together and it pushed me to be creative and original. It helped me realize the strengths I had as a planner and it contributed to the reason why this camp was so unique. 

An activity that really left an impact on me was the Mirror Game that the staff prepared. We were asked to close our eyes and sit in a circle. One by one, we'd open our eyes and a mirror would be placed before us. The staff would ask us questions about the person we saw in front of us. some of the questions were, "What would this person liked to be known for?" or "What are the things this person can improve on?", these simple questions made me think twice about myself. It made me question if I really knew myself or not. But I believe, the activity gave me a really good perspective on the things I can improve on. It gave me the chance to express how I really felt about myself. And I think that's what This camp was really for. This camp helped us realize that change must start with ourselves, because without which, sustainable development can never be achieved by me and you.

- Jaime and Bea Recto

Camp shirt!

Train of Love! WOOOOH! 
Kaleidoscope Staff!
[ Ria, Anton, Anika, Coby, Janine, Jaime, Chrissie]

Campers enjoying the beach!

Paper lanterns with each of their pledges! 

Camp photo at the beach! 
Photos from Ria Campos

Monday 16 July 2012

Friday 6 July 2012

ANZAC Biscuit Challenge!

The scene is set the plate of massive (not even Rowan could fit a whole one in his mouth) ANZAC Biscuits laid in wait of the Auckland JB ready to be devoured. Our first challenge was how to accommodate those with braces as my baking proved to hard to chew on. It was the Genius Georgia who decided that the best way to eat them was to soften them with milk, so in a bowl went chopped biscuits and milk and left to soften.
Now it was bushiness time. It was time for Auckland JB to show the world how AMAZING we all are but proving how delicious,interesting,entertaining a simple thing like a Biscuit can be. And I can assure you we succeeded.
The Great ANZAC Battle has been a good experience and the next opportunity to do something like this again will be happily taken on by Auckland JB. 

Devon Pidgeon
New Zealand 

Hey guys! Check out this video sent to us from our NZJB friends!